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The cloud and Kubernetes can improve your operations by giving you greater flexibility, better scalability, and reduced infrastructure costs.

Infrastructure as a service

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cost-effective way to obtain high-quality IT resources for your business. With IaaS, you can access servers, storage, and network connectivity remotely, allowing you to focus on your core business without having to worry about maintaining IT equipment. Additionally, cloud computing allows you to access online applications and data quickly and easily. AWS, Azure and GCP are examples of IaaS providers, but there are also more local and less expensive options, such as Infomaniak, which uses an open source OpenStack solution.
Infrastructure As A Service
Deployment Appliaction

Kubernetes application deployment

Deploying applications on Kubernetes is the best option to manage and deploy your applications in a distributed environment efficiently. Kubernetes allows you to create container definitions for each component of your application, then deploy them to one or more clusters quickly and easily. The Kubernetes container orchestration system gives you unprecedented flexibility and scalability for your applications, as well as simplified management of IT resources. Additionally, as an open source solution, Kubernetes gives you the freedom to choose the vendor of your choice without fear of single vendor lock-in. Do like us and entrust the deployment of your applications to Kubernetes to benefit from this innovative solution. Do not hesitate to come see us at our offices at Geneva to explain your project or ideas to us at any time. Let us know if needed!

Here for you

Write to us about your project and your team, we will be happy to help you within 24 hours. If you wish, you can also reach us directly by enohp, by liame or in our offices at Geneva.