IT security is essential to protect your data and your business.

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IT Security in Switzerland: Explore the Digital World in Peace

IT security is not just an option, it is an absolute necessity in our interconnected world. Whether you are an individual or a business, IT security is your defense against the cyber threats that constantly loom. EXPONENT offers you a simplified and efficient way to manage this crucial protection for your data.

1. Why Computer Security is Crucial?

IT security is not just an additional option, it is essential to prevent attacks, information theft, security breaches and much more. With cyberattacks on the rise, protecting your data is becoming a top priority.

Figures on digital citizenship in Switzerland

Digital crime, often referred to as cybercrime, is evolving rapidly, leaving authorities and the general public at the mercy of its sophisticated tactics. Within the Federal Statistical Office, a dedicated team tracks these digital offenses to provide crucial data. Explore with us the workings of this complex phenomenon through the most recent data and trends in digital crime in Switzerland.

A. Operating Modes: A Range of Threats

In the fight against cybercrime, the key lies in understanding the methods of operation. Digital crime currently identifies 33 distinct operating methods, classified into 5 major areas.

From economic cybercrime to sexual crimes and reputational damage, dive into the complex world of these digital attack methods.

B. Detection Methodology: Identifying the Invisible

The detection of digital crime is based on a complex methodology, using the combination of “modus operandi”.

Find out how the police identify these crimes, highlighting the reality of a phenomenon that continues to grow.

crime statistics

A clear blueprint guides law enforcement in choosing the appropriate modus operandi for each situation, creating a structured approach in an ever-changing digital world.

Digital crime is currently divided into 33 distinct modes of operation, then grouped into five main categories:

  • Economic cybercrime (24 operating methods)
  • Cyber sexual offenses (4 operating modes)
  • Cyber-damage to reputation and unfair practices (3 operating methods)
  • Darknet (1 operating mode)
  • Others (1 operating mode)

Each operating mode is exclusively associated with a restricted choice of offenses. Notably, with regard to the Penal Code (CP), only 28 offenses are considered relevant.

However, other laws, such as the LStup, as well as ancillary federal laws such as the law on weapons (LArm), the law against unfair competition (LCD), and the law on the protection of brands (LPM), may also be applicable, although not exploited in the main results.

C. Key Figures 2022: Radiography of Digital Crime

The figures don't lie, and in 2022, digital crime in Switzerland will reach considerable proportions.

With a total of 33,345 digital offenses recorded, dive into the detailed statistics.

Learn about the most common crimes, such as fraud, computer misuse, and more, highlighting the challenges posed by cybercrime.

Crime X-ray


However, interpreting these figures requires caution. Cybercrime is known for its “dark figures” – unreported crimes.

The list of operating methods is constantly evolving, highlighting the need for constant adaptation of control methods. Discover the limits of interpreting statistics and the persistent challenges in tracking digital crime.

Delve into the complex world of cybercrime with this captivating data. By understanding current trends, operating methods and challenges, we are better equipped to combat this ever-evolving digital threat. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and dive into the future of online security.

Security for Smart Devices

The security of smartphones and tablets has become as crucial as that of computers. Install anti-malware software, anti-virus software, and incorporate multi-factor authentication to ensure comprehensive protection. EXPONENT offers solutions to guarantee enhanced security.

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The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained increasing importance in recent years, attracting attention from the media and policy makers.

It enriches the already familiar concepts of “anytime” and “everywhere” accessibility in the field of digital technologies by introducing that of “everything connected”.

The rapid evolution of IoT technology has led to estimates that as of 2020, approximately 50 billion objects will be connected to the Internet, and some projections suggest possibly as many as 200 connected objects per person.

This constant connectivity exposes these objects to increasing risks of cybercrime, ranging from data theft to espionage, including sabotage and illicit use of the devices' computing capabilities.

The media have widely reported on cyberattacks, raising public awareness, especially after incidents involving the disclosure or abuse of personal data.

The industrial context accentuates the importance of the subject, because an attack in a factory can disrupt production, while operators of critical infrastructures incur potentially more serious consequences.

2. Why Does Your Business Need IT Security?

IT security isn't just for you, it's also to protect your customers and staff. Ransomware attacks are commonplace, and preparation is key.

5 Crucial Reasons to Adopt an IT Security Policy

As your business navigates the complex digital world, an IT security policy becomes not only essential but also beneficial in many ways. Here are five compelling reasons that demonstrate why every business should seriously consider adopting such a policy.

  • Data theft:

The first imperative reason to implement an IT security policy is the protection of sensitive data. Customer personal information and your company's financial data are potential targets for disastrous consequences if they fall into the wrong hands.

  • Protection against Cyber-attacks:

Reducing the risk of cyber attacks is the second crucial reason. Threats, such as viruses, malware and phishing attempts, can be mitigated with a well-developed IT security policy.

  • Improved operational efficiency:

The third essential reason to adopt an IT security policy is to improve operational efficiency. Reduce downtime, increase productivity and minimize errors with a policy tailored to your business.

  • Legal compliance:

The fourth crucial reason is regulatory compliance. Many industries are subject to strict IT security regulations, and an appropriate policy helps your business stay compliant.

  • Customer Trust:

Finally, protecting your reputation is the fifth essential reason. Cyber attacks or data loss can seriously damage customer trust in your business. An IT security policy helps preserve your reputation.

3. The Different Types of Computer Security

  • Network Security: Prevent unauthorized users from accessing your network.

  • Internet Security: Firewalls protect data processed in a browser or internet application.

  • Cloud Security: Protect data stored directly in the cloud, which has become essential.

  • Endpoint Security: Protect your personal devices from malicious networks.

4. EXPONENT Services and Solutions for IT Security

EXPONENT security solutions provide end-to-end protection, from software to servers carefully manufactured in Switzerland.

EXPONENT stands out for early detection of data breaches, rapid responses to attacks, and high data recovery rates. Quality is at the heart of production, eliminating any potential vulnerabilities.

As a major player in the technology industry, EXPONENT focuses on providing intelligent solutions to store, transport and analyze data efficiently, securely and transparently.

IT security is no longer an option, but a reality that you can master with EXPONENT.

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