Digital marketing 2024 with Exponent CH

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Succumb to Digital Marketing Innovation 2024

Are you looking to modernize your company's marketing strategies and integrate digital into its advertising campaigns? This article is for you.

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and 2024 will be no exception. New trends are emerging, defining the way brands interact with their customers.

For digital agencies in Geneva, it is crucial to stay at the forefront of these trends in order to offer relevant and efficient services to their clients.

If you want to dig more information on the relationship between digital marketing and a web agency, please read this article.

Why modernize your company's marketing strategies?

marketing strategy

Digital booming

The global digital transformation budget is expected to reach $2.8 trillion.

By 2024, direct investment in digital transformation will reach $6.8 trillion.

The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, with global investments in digital transformation logistics reaching $84.6 billion by 2027.

Priority to digital applications

By 2024, 52% of companies plan to increase their funding for video applications.

45% are investing more in collaboration apps like Microsoft Teams and Slack.

49% of CEOs plan to increase their digital investment to 10% or more over 3 years.

Digital at the heart of retail

70.7% of respondents agree that digital transformation is a crucial aspect of retail technology.

The digital revolution will bring about $100 trillion to the global economy by 2025.

Digitalization of businesses

54% of businesses worldwide consider digitalization a top priority.

The Internet of Things accounted for the largest share of digital transformation in 2019.

By 2025, augmented reality and virtual reality are expected to see the fastest growth.

Source: enterpriseappstoday

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Benefits of digital transformation

Innovation plays an essential role in a successful marketing strategy. Here are five benefits it brings:

  1. Differentiation: By introducing new and unique products or services, innovation allows you to stand out from the competition, thus attracting new customers and retaining existing customers.

  2. Increased sales: Innovative products or services meet customer needs or create new markets, which stimulates sales, thus following the principle of disruption.

  3. Positive brand image: A company that regularly innovates is perceived as dynamic, creative and modern, thus strengthening its brand image among consumers.

  4. Competitive advantage: By staying at the forefront of the market and offering products unmatched by competitors, innovation helps a company maintain its competitive advantage.

  5. Profitability: Innovative products are often more profitable thanks to their high added value in relation to their production costs.

In summary, integrating innovation into a marketing strategy helps differentiate the company in the market, increase sales, improve brand image, maintain a competitive advantage and improve overall profitability.

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Digital marketing trends to adopt for 2024

connected applications

Immersive experiences and customer engagement

  • Dior Beauty innovates on WhatsApp with an exclusive conversation with ambassador Jlisoo, offering a unique and memorable customer experience.
  • Digital marketing is reinventing itself to attract and retain customers by making them feel privileged.

Data collection and personalization

  • End of third-party cookies in 2023: companies must adapt their strategies to collect first-party data.
  • First-party data allows better personalization of the customer experience (chatbots, wallet, valuable content, etc.).

New loyalty practices

  • Social media extends to social commerce, with simplified payments and virtual try-ons in augmented reality.
  • The wallet becomes a strategic tool for customer loyalty: loyalty program, events, news, personalized offers and push notifications.
  • Camaïeu personalizes its invitations to events using the wallet, reinforcing the feeling of belonging to a privileged community.

The metaverse: a new frontier in marketing

  • The metaverse offers unique opportunities for brands to connect with younger generations.
  • Gucci created an immersive experience in the metaverse, allowing users to try on and purchase virtual items.
  • The metaverse opens the way to new forms of marketing and value creation for brands.


Digital marketing is constantly evolving, offering new opportunities for businesses that know how to adapt and innovate. The focus is on personalized customer experience, loyalty and exploring new horizons like the metaverse.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your digital marketing needs and explore together the best solutions for your business


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