Website Design : 37 Key Statistics for a High-Performing Site

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Website Design: 37 key statistics for an attractive and efficient site in 2024

Remember these 37 key figures carefully before you start designing a website. They serve as your guide. This step remains crucial than ever, given the more than 1.8 billion sites on the Internet.

It is therefore essential to ensure that your website is well designed to achieve its objectives.

This article presents 37 statistics that reveal the importance of website design and its impact on visitors.

General Website Design Statistics

  1. 59% of people prefer to browse “beautiful and well-designed” sites rather than basic sites (Source: Adobe).

  2. The first impression of a website is 94% linked to its design (Source: Research Gate).

  3. The average cost of designing a basic website is $3,200 (Source: GoodFirms).

  4. It takes on average 2 months to design a website with basic functionality (Source: GoodFirms).

  5. It takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website (Source: Behavior and Information Technology).

  6. Around 50% of Internet users believe that the design of a website is a crucial factor in forming an opinion about a brand (Source: PR Newswire).

  7. 39% of Internet users are attracted to color more than any other visual element when visiting a website (Source: PR Newswire2).

  8. A low conversion rate is the number one reason people redesign their websites (Source: GoodFirms).

  9. 7 out of 10 small business websites don’t have a call to action (CTA).

  10. 84.6% of web designers said cluttered website design is the most common small business mistake (Source: GoodFirms).

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Mobile Responsive Website Design Statistics

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  1. 54.8% of internet traffic came from mobile devices in 2021 (Source: Statista).

  2. 61% of Internet users have a better opinion of companies whose website is mobile-friendly (Source: WebFX).

  3. More than 50% of Internet users say they are less likely to browse sites with poorly designed mobile-friendly designs (Source: WebFX).

  4. Around 75% of users are more likely to return to a website if it is mobile-friendly (Source: WebFX).

  5. 67% of internet users are more likely to make a purchase if a website is mobile-friendly (Source: WebFX).

  6. Most mobile phone users expect a website to load in 3 seconds or less.

  7. If a website doesn't work on their mobile, most users will only try to access a website or app twice before moving on.

E-commerce Site Design Statistics

  1. 90% of buyers think that image quality is the most important factor when making an online purchase (Source: Meero).

  2. Using larger product photos can increase sales by over 9% (Source: Meero).

  3. Red buy buttons can increase e-commerce sales and conversions by up to 34% (Source: CXL2).

  4. 60% of respondents said that ease of use is the most important feature of website design when it comes to online shopping (Source: Statista2).

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Web Page Design Statistics

  1. Users spend about 6 seconds looking at a logo before moving on (Source: Missouri University of Science and Technology).

  2. They also spend about 6 seconds looking at the navigation bar (Source: Missouri University of Science and Technology).

  3. Users spend 80% of their time looking at content above the fold on a web page (Source: Chartbeat).

  4. People spend an average of 5.59 seconds looking at content above the fold on a web page (Source: Chartbeat2).

  5. Web pages with images receive 94% more views than those without images (Source: Jeffrey Zeldman).

Social Media and Website Design Statistics

  1. Social media sharing buttons can increase traffic by up to 700% (Source: Jeffrey Zeldman).

  2. 60% of users are wary of websites that display social media sharing links but no following (Source: The New York Times).

  3. Most users expect social media sharing buttons to be located at the top or bottom of a web page (Source: The New York Times).

Website Design and SEO Statistics

  1. 57% of internet users will never recommend a company with a poorly designed website on mobile (Source: WebFX).

  2. 88% of Internet users are less likely to return to a site after a bad user experience (Source: SWEOR).

  3. 39% of internet users stop interacting with a website if images don't load or take too long (Source: Adobe2).

  4. 46.1% of website users judge the credibility of a company based on its website design (Source: SWEOR2).

  5. Google started ranking websites based on their mobile friendliness in 2015.

Web Design and Security Statistics

  1. 83% of people think online security is more important than ever (Source: Thales).

  2. 61% of people are concerned about their online privacy, while 79% feel more vulnerable than ever online (Source: Thales2).

Website Design and Accessibility Statistics

  1. 97% of websites do not comply with accessibility standards (Source: Level Access).

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These statistics clearly show that website design is an essential part of online success. Whether you're designing a site for a small business, an e-commerce site, or any other online project, these numbers should guide you in creating an optimal user experience.


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