Optimize your practice with a health app

Exponent Team


Medical office 2.0: Optimize your practice with a health app

If you face daily challenges related to managing your practice and caring for your patients, have a professional develop a health app.

Between scheduling appointments, tracking treatments, and communicating with your patients, it can be difficult to find the time needed to provide quality care.

However, the rise of health applications offers new perspectives for simplifying your administrative tasks, improving communication with your patients and optimizing the monitoring of their treatments.

Appointment management application: simplified organization

doctor holding smartphone
  • Health applications allow your patients to make an appointment online, 24/7, without having to go through your secretariat.

  • This feature greatly facilitates making appointments for your patients, who can choose their time slot according to their availability.

  • Thanks to these applications, you can avoid omissions and duplicates in your schedule, by receiving real-time notifications of appointments made by your patients.

  • You can better organize your schedule and devote more time to your patients, while reducing waiting times.

Treatment monitoring: a proactive approach

  • Some health applications offer your patients the possibility of monitoring their treatments and symptoms independently.

  • By recording their medication intake, medical appointments and test results, your patients better manage their daily health and facilitate your medical follow-up.

  • This proactive approach makes it possible to improve their therapeutic compliance and promote more effective management of chronic pathologies.

Patient-doctor communication: a strengthened relationship

  • Health applications facilitate communication between you and your patients, allowing the secure exchange of messages, test results and medical information.

  • This remote communication reduces waiting times for your patients, who can ask you their questions without having to travel.

  • You can quickly respond to their concerns and reassure them if necessary.

  • This simplified communication strengthens the trust and involvement of your patients in their care, promoting personalized and responsive monitoring.

If you are interested in a personalized medical application, contact our team.

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The advantages of health applications for your practice

  • By integrating health applications into your practice, you benefit from numerous advantages to optimize the management of your medical practice.

  • Thanks to better organization of your appointments and simplified communication with your patients, you save precious time which can be devoted to caring for your patients.

  • You can thus offer quality care and reduce waiting times, while improving the satisfaction of your patients.

  • In addition, the personalized monitoring made possible by these applications allows coordinated and effective care of your patients, particularly for chronic pathologies.

Recommendations for optimal use of health applications

  • Choose reliable and secure applications that comply with personal data protection and medical information security standards.

  • Train your medical team in its use for effective implementation within your practice.

  • Encourage your patients to regularly use the app to record their medical data, track their treatments and communicate with you.

  • Monitor the progress of your patients and adapt their care accordingly, based on the data provided by the application.

  • Share your feedback with the application development team to improve its functionality and use.

What are the best health apps?

There is no single app that is universally considered the best for healthcare professionals, as needs can vary depending on the specialties, individual preferences and specific requirements of each practitioner. However, here are some professional applications widely used and appreciated in the healthcare field:

1. UpToDate:

An evidence-based medical reference app, providing up-to-date information on diagnoses, treatments and clinical recommendations.

2. Epocrates:

A medical reference app that provides information on medications, drug interactions, treatment guides and clinical decision tools.

3. Medscape:

An application offering medical news, journal articles, medical calculation tools and educational resources for healthcare professionals.

4. VisualDx:

An image-based differential diagnosis application, helping healthcare professionals visually identify diseases and skin conditions.

5. Figure 1:

A clinical case and medical image sharing application for collaboration and learning between healthcare professionals.

6. Doximity:

A professional networking app for doctors, offering secure communication tools, collaboration opportunities and medical resources.

7. Pepid:

A comprehensive clinical reference app including treatment guides, medical calculators, care protocols and medication information.

8. Prognosis:

An application offering interactive clinical cases to test the diagnostic and decision-making skills of healthcare professionals.

9. Calculate by QxMD:

An app offering medical calculators, risk scores, treatment guides and clinical decision support tools.

10. Visual Anatomy:

An interactive anatomy app offering 3D models of the human body for education and anatomical visualization.

These applications are designed to assist healthcare professionals in their daily practice, providing them with up-to-date medical information, reference tools, educational resources and means of professional communication.

Contact us

It is recommended to test different applications to find the one that best suits your needs and specialty.


Here for you

Write to us about your project and your team, we will be happy to help you within 24 hours. If you wish, you can also reach us directly by enohp, by liame or in our offices at Geneva.